
Well today I’m working on a different  computer Photoshop and Dreamweaver wouldn’t work on the other computer. So here I am working on Photoshop for Designers: Shape Layers on a foreign computer.

Chapter 5 – Working with Vector Masks.

Working with paths and clipping paths.
This video talked about how it’s better to not change a path into a clipping path when you want to add a image from Photoshop to Indesign.

Well that was the last video in Shape Layers, now I will be doing some Deke’s Techniques.

Creating ice type.
I learned with this video how to create a cool iced effect on Photoshop using filters and effects.

Branding type on a texture.
With this video I learned how to brand type into a texture using filters, effects and other useful things in Photoshop.

Creating an image-branding machine.
This video was pretty helpful in that it help me create a system for branding type onto other textures.

Capturing effects with layer comps.
This video showed me how to create some layer comps which helps in cycling through layers in Photoshop.


Here are some of the effects I created watching the videos. namebranded

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